Teddy Bear Town
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-- The virtual world is currently unavailable to play on itch.io by now. Please consider downloading the PC | macOS version below to play it. Our team is so sorry about this inconvenience. --
ART 107 (FALL 2023)
Team The 3 Musketeers - Teddy Bear Town
-- THE TEAM --
- Jozey Nguyen - Project Producer & Asset Developer
- Sarai Mateo - Environment Designer & Asset Developer
- Truc Tran - Lead Unity Real-Time Interaction Designer & Asset Developer
A small and cute farm created by teddy bears where bears can live happily together without the interruption of humans.
** this is NOT a game, but a virtual world experience **
- W, A, S, D - Move around.
- MOUSE - Look around.
- SPACE - Jump.
- Horse Stables Ambience Sounds
- Cows Mooing Ambience
- Farm Pig Pen Ambience
- Cute Chickens Ambience.
- Lofi Night Dreaming (IG Version Loop 01)
- Baby Hello (Sound Effect)
- Calm Pond Bright Wind in Reeds Geese Water
- Deep Child Breathing and Exhaling Sound Effect SFX Sound
- Hello
- Kid Says Hello Sound Effect
- Kid Laughing Sound Effect